
Pomo Rumblings

Got this from Buff Scott's "Reformation Rumblings" today and thought it worthy of posting since it corresponds so well with Dan Kimball's the Emergent Church and Andrew Careaga's eMinistry.


Q. “Buff, insofar as ‘religion’ is concerned, how do you see our younger Christian generation? Are they progressing or regressing”---Alice.<>

A. Our younger generation, especially those of our own divisive parties, are investigating, exploring, and seeking answers to the meaning and purpose of life. And what are we offering them? A pew on which to sit, collection plates into which to dump their money, and a stale and heartless sermon on “Instrumental Music” or “The Identity of the Church.” Their restlessness stems from their dissatisfaction with organized religion. They are tired of the obsessive feeling of terror and of being lost. They want the love and assurance that can come only from a warm and understanding God. They are aware that these golden elements are difficult to find within the confines of organized religion.
Sharing with others the theology of Jesus “at the well” or “by the riverside” may prove more encouraging and enlightening than warming a seat in one of our grand palaces every time the doors open and the bells ring. The time has come when worship and work are anytime and the place where we are (John 4:21-24).

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